Saturday, 12 March 2011

The perfect job.

Hey guys.

Again, I had another boring day at work... and all I could think about was this government idea and how amazing it would be to work for them...

As my mind does its usual and over thinks things I started to wonder what I would do, and then it came to me.

With the way I think and the way I can learn new things rapidly, surely the best place for me to be working would be in SIS or MI6. My brain was built to learn create solve problems and never stop thinking so working for the SIS would be a perfect job.
I would never have a bored moment and I could finally put my brains talent to good use.

Problem is there is no way in hell I would ever be able to get into the SIS =[

Thought about it lots and seeing as I don't have the quals the only other way in would be to stand out from everyone else.. now how the hell could you do that and grab their attention at the same time ;) hmmm I wonder lol.

So many people will be wondering why the hell I would want to do this, but I am seriously thinking of joining the RAF.

Not to run about with gus and what not, but my mind seriously is going to waste stacking shelves when it could be problem solving and working in IT while getting a great life learning experience.

IF I do go for it I'll start off as an Intelligence Operative where I'll get...

Level 2 NVQ Administration
Degree in Security Management
Degree in Intelligence

You should be interested or have experience in:
Combat - (Not so much but learning to protect yourself is always handy)
Computing / IT - (That's a bit of a obvious thing I'm interested in and have loads of exp in.)
Clerical Administration - (Comes in handy in nearly everything you do.)
Investigation & Research - (Perfect thing to get my mind thinking and actually working for a change)
Security - (Making things secure and trying to break security has been a hobby of mine for a while now :P)

Then I'll move on to being a Counter Intelligence Operative.

You should be interested or have experience in:
Computing / IT - (Again something I'm always interested in)
Forensics - (Not so much interested in unless it involves forensics of computers.. recovering data etc)
Telecommunication - (Handy to know how to broadcast information and understand how it all works.)
Communication Engineering - (Again quite handy to know in the computer side of things (Sending and receiving data))
Clerical Administration - (Useful in many jobs)
Investigation & Research - (Again its a perfect thing to get my mind thinking and actually working for a change)
Security - (Again making things secure and trying to break security has been a hobby of mine for a while now :P)

No idea how long it would take but reading through it has given me the chance to find that job where I can actually put my brain to use.

Not only this but as far fetched as it sounds.. it may just work in my favor of being spotted for something in SIS or MI6.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Time And How It Exists. (Updated)

My mind likes to think about all sorts of things. It mainly likes to think of things that aren't facts so that my mind can wander town pathways of the unknown.

Lately I have been trying to work on a few theories that pop into my head quite a lot. One of these theories is the theory of time and how does such a thing exist.

Here is what confuses me...


Wiki describes time as this: Time is a dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future,and also the measure of durations of events and the intervals between them.

So in short.
Time = A measurement of change/events.
X changes to Y over time.
This is an event that took place and Time is merely how we recorded it.

Because X changed to Y, it must have some form of movement.
If there was no movement at all it would not be able to change from X to Y.
(Movement is a form of energy)

So based on this, Time exists because of movement...
Without movement, nothing would change...
Therefor we would not need to record it/measure it.


Was doing some reading of my old notes and thought this was quite interesting...

  • Overt Seduction: Pouting lips and puppy dog eyes, soft kisses and touches around the neck, chest and groin area, whispering sweetly in his ear how much she wants him and how she knows he wants her too.
  • Power Seduction: The partner simply pulls her man away from whatever he is doing and starts to undress him, while pushing him towards the nearest comfortable area for lovemaking. This would be followed by her climbing on top and telling him what she is going to do to him. She would, of course, tolerate no arguments!
  • Covert Seduction: Using false pretenses to lure her partner into a lovemaking situation. Ideas for this seduction include this one:
  • "Go into your backyard on a chilly fall day and begin raking the leaves in a pile. Summon your mate to hold the bag open and then tell him to close his eyes. Then start putting articles of clothing in the bag and lay down in the leaves after you are naked. When you are in a seductive position, tell him to open his eyes for a big surprise."
  • Damsel In Distress Seduction: Call your mate into the bedroom to help you with something urgent. Once he has "rescued" you, reward him handsomely for his brave gallantry.
  • Classic Seduction: The Sensual Massage. The first step in giving a seductive massage is to identify the pleasure points on your partner's body. For example, the back of the neck, lower back and feet are the main pleasure points. The pleasure points are, however, different for everybody and the time spent researching what gives your partner maximum pleasure, is time that will be well rewarded later on.

A successful seduction entails one partner taking charge of the situation and using any means necessary to lure, not force, her man away from what he is doing, and into the bedroom.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Am I going crazy?!?

We all have those thoughts that make us wonder if people will ever understand us if we tried to explain it to them, or will they just think that we are crazy.

Well lately I'm starting to wonder how the hell I'm aloud out and about.

While being at work for the past 2 days, I have had to work 10 hour shifts from 9PM to 7AM on both occasions.
Now seeing as my job is really boring and rather repetitive I end up thinking about loads of things that seem either crazy, stupid, mad or just way too complex.

I'm starting to wonder if its going to send me crazy.

Most people could do my job and just get on with it without any problems. However because my brain works over time as it is, it decides that because it doesn't have to focus on anything but a simple task it will use the rest of its potential to think about something extreme. Its kinda worrying.

Here is an example...
Could I possibly come up and design a mega computer virus that could wipe out everything and anything but that can also restore everything with the antidote.. then after creating this could I bargain with the government over it so as to be able to work for them and then they can have it for a cost..

Now this sounds stupid but I found a perfect way of creating it doing it and making it all work.. Now I'm going to explain it on here for two reasons.. for one I'm curious to see what peoples responses are and for two, well lets just say I'm curious ;P

Firstly I need a virus that is unstoppable.
To do this it would have to firstly be created in basic computer language. Not in C++ or C# or anything that needs a compiler as it won't run on its own.
It would need to be built so basically that no matter what OS you are running even if you had built your own, the virus would have to be built to still run.
(Thus the fact that you would have to set it to be built in the very basic of computer code.)
Something that all computers components could read and execute some how. (maybe even create 1 virus that has a few different types of the code that are all stored on one bit of hardware and run depending on what OS?

Secondly what should it do and how?
Now we can create something that runs on all computer based things (Cars, phones, laptops, TV's), we need it to now save itself to the system so that it is to not require it to still have a pen drive plugged in etc.
So rather than copy to a HDD that only runs when used.
It should copy to anything that holds data.. ANYTHING!
This means:
CPU cache, Memory sticks, HDD's, Graphics card Memory... anything that stores info

It is now on everything, but saved differently depending on what its saved on.
So for example, if it's saved to the CPU cache its saved in a way that is read/processed by something that reads CPU code.
This means that if you want to save the data on the HDD you would have to plug the HDD into another computer and that too becomes infected.. even if you use the CPU or anything..
Basically the whole PC becomes useless...
(Sorry if I now seem off track.. had a rather large post on a topic about my last post to reply to lol)

Right.. erm...
Okay.. so the virus is now everywhere and can't be deleted unless your format all the info too all 0's or all 1's.
However to do this you need it plugged into a computer that works.. so this isn't possible.. it will just keep spreading..

Thing is, it doesn't do anything at the moment. It sits there and copies its self everywhere.
So the next thing you want to do is make sure it's at the start up of everything.. if you can set it to memory address 00,00,00,00 so when the memory gets read, the first thing it reads is your code.

The first part of the data/code should run the rest of it thus starting up your virus.
You now make the virus encode all of the data on the chip it's saved to.
You make the code impossible to crack by using the data stored on the actual chip to encode it.. basically say you have a chip called "x11c3 express" you use that string value to create an encryption code value thing lol..
This is used to encode the data.. you will however need to save the "x11c3 express" string as part of the virus, but again encoded with this time a default code. So now it reads "1ddjh bubbles" or something..

The data is now completely unreadable and unrecoverable unless you can decrypt.. problem is if you try to decrypt then whatever you're using will have to access the computer and will then become infected.

So this computer/mobile/car is useless.. and won't do anything.

How do you fix it?

Well what you do is in the actual virus you code it to read from a memory location first.. for example. read location 00,00,00,89 first then read from 00,00,00,00 onwards.

what this will do is allow you to have something in that memory address that gets read first.

So say you have the anti dote on a pendrive and at location 00,00,00,89 you have a string that ses KillerBeeAntidote, the virus will read this and know not to infect the pendrive.

Now that the pendrive doesn't get infected the computer will still read the code on the pendrive... think of the pendrive as a portable OS, on this OS is the program needed to fix it.

The virus sees that its not to be encoded and so doesnt tamper with it. the pendrive should run on its own without help. what it will do is read the memory on the chips. if it finds the virus on 00,00,00,00 then it will read the encoded "1ddjh bubbles" string and will then know how to decode the data.

So you decode the data and then save it from getting the virus from the other hardware by adding a small file on the chip at location 00,00,00,89.

This means that the HDD can be decoded by the pen drive that runs on its own and then gets given a antibody in effect that keeps it from getting infected.

What you do is allow the pendrive to scan ALL of the hardware on the computer/phone and allow it to remove the virus completely and decode. Once thats done the antibody files are removed..

Your computer is now back to normal and 100% like it was before the virus showed up.

How its useful:
Now you see this idea could easily be used by the government as a weapon that doesn't cause deaths.. forget wars with missiles.. they kill people.
Instead you could code this baby so that it only infects things that are located within an area of the globe, thus causing it to spread throughout only that area and shutting down their entire computer network.. no banks, no info, no lights on roads.. nothing.. they can't even use weapons to fire at you.

You tell them that they should mend their ways and then you can give them the antidote..

This could be used on terrorists too.. you use it on them.. they are helpless.. no cameras nothing.
You storm in take their stuff decode it with the antidote and you have all their info on everything.. eg where bad people are hiding etc.

Its something I don't think I should of posted but this is what goes through my head everyday... surely there is a way to make use of my mind.. working in a store isn't putting me to my full limit.
Or maybe I'm just going mad and thinking about silly things that will never happen. O_O
who knows..

UPDATE: I realize that this wont work.. due to the way computers work reading code on chips and shit, however like my warning states.. this was just a cool thought that I had.
If there was some way of doing something "Like" this though, then it would be a serious virus!
May think on this a bit more at a later date.

God.... How it's all wrong.


Feel free to have your say on this after reading it.. I would love to get loads of input on this

I was reading a few posts from people who seriously believe in God, and suddenly the thought actually dawned on me that they are serious, and honestly believe this stuff so much that they would do anything they were told as long as it came from the word (Mouth) of God.

Now I don't hate people that believe in god.
I honestly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion; however I seriously can't see how people can believe that strongly about a being that’s so flawed.

I guess, if you had to, you could call me a skeptic-agnostic.
I do not follow or hate God, but I'm not an atheist either, they believe God does not exist.
There is no doubt in their mind.
If there is, they are unknowingly agnostic.

I especially don't believe that we (human-beings) are Gods nor perfect.
Far from it.
I believe we are desperately scared, thus delusional, selfish, pervert little creatures, but that we can change! We can evolve.

Now I’m not here to tell you that all people who believe in god are wrong but I have some interesting facts that if at all possible I would like a believer to argue about and honestly try to prove me wrong.
(Keep in mind that this is not a post created to spite others or cause arguments, but rather a "healthy" debate)

The first major point that I will agree on is the fact that “IF” God does exist then you have to agree that he is All-Loving, All-Knowing and All-Powerful (ALAKAP).

The reason I say this is because every religion gives their god these attributes.
If you don't believe me then look it up, and to be fair it does seem a logical thing for a god to be.
If he didn't have all these attributes then I personally wouldn't call him a god.

Anyway I'm sure that as we ALL agree with the above statement we can continue with the facts.

  • QUESTION: Is God omniscient (All-knowing)?

Well as you know we have already agreed that god is all knowing. If he wasn't then he wouldn’t be the god that everyone describes him to be.
Many people argue that he is, so for arguments sake I will agree and say God "should be" all knowing.

  • PROBLEM: If God is all knowing then why does it seem like he isn’t?

Now what I mean by this is simple. (stay with me here)

God apparently knows “EVERYTHING”.
Yet he still gives us humans tests.

Let me explain:
He created Adam and Eve placed them in the Garden of Eden which had a fruit that they shouldn't eat.

Now why put that fruit there if he wasn't testing them?

He’s god, so he didn't say “Oh it seems I'm running out of room so I suppose I better plant this tree in the garden”
He placed it there for some other reason.
The reason has to be to test his creations. (What other reason could there be?) <- [Feel free to discuss this]

Now the reason any test is done is to find out the result.
We will say "If I do this, then that will happen", but we test it just to make sure.
(This is because we doubt it slightly)
If we didn't doubt it then we wouldn't test it in the first place because we would just know it to be true.

Example: I buy a new battery from a shop.
I take it out of its new box and use it. I didn't test it because I knew it would work.
(On the other hand)
I find a box of batteries in my house, I test them all because I “Don’t know” if any of them work.

So why would an all knowing God have to test Adam and Eve with the fruit?
We know that “IF” they didn't eat the fruit they would have stayed in the garden but “IF” they did eat it they would be kicked out of it.

So why would God have a scenario with two different outcomes?
If he knew what was going to happen why say this could happen OR that and then test them to see what actually will happen?

He must have doubted them slightly on what they would do with it, and to doubt something is to not know.

Hmmmm.. okay you might have a argument to that and Id like to hear it but first please read on.

Now we say he’s all knowing.
This means he knows EVERYTHING that’s happened, happening and will ever happen.

So he knows that if he places that tree with the fruit in that garden, then he knows that Eve “Will” eat it.

He's supposed to know anything anyone will do before they're even born/created.
He knows the past, present, future (because time is meaningless for him and because he is the one deciding of the course of the future) he also knows all your actions and thoughts…
HE KNOWS it ALL, right?

This means he knew Eve would eat the fruit.

Now many of you would say that we were given free will.

Okay, I like the sounds of that, sounds nice doesn't it, and to be honest even if we had free will God should still know every possible outcome right? I mean he is god.

So we have free will to do anything we please but God knows what we will do when faced with a situation.

For example:
He knows that a true believer will follow his word.
So If he said to the pope, “The planet is becoming over populated and I will have to remove half of you in order for you believers to live, but don’t worry I will only remove sinners”, he knows that the pope would be fine with that, he also knows what exact words he would have to use to get the outcome he wanted.

Perfect example is this:

  • I flip a coin and "I know its going to be heads", so I shout “heads”.
  • I also know that in 3 more flips of that coin it will be tails.

I say to you that I will have the last cookie if the 3rd flip from now is tails.
The coin gets flipped 3 times and its tails.
So now I have the cookie.

Now anyone that fully understands what I have just said will realize that with the ability of being all knowing you can do one thing that will assure the outcome you want.

So when god created the world and birds and light and sea, he would have created it how he wanted it to be.
Now he knew that if he made things in such a way he would then reach a stage where the future would play out how he wanted it to.

Every “free will” action you make only happens because you made that choice.
BUT you made that choice based on your previous experiences, and they happened because of things before them.
Ultimately ending up with your choice being a result of something that happened when god first created it.

So really it wasn't your choice.
You were forced to do that because what god did all those years ago made you do what you did.

If you don't understand that then try and picture this.
I child is born and will learn to talk.
The language he/she will speak is already chosen for them based on where they were born or the language of the family.
It personally doesn't have a choice.
This will then effect EVERYTHING it does in its future.

Now by this stage I have pointed out a few basic things.

God knew that if we had free will and placed that tree there we would eat the fruit, or not(They were our choices).
If the test was a test, then he isn't all knowing as he doubted the outcome (Thus he’s not actually a god).
If the test wasn't a test then he placed that tree there for a reason knowing we would eat it (Thus we have no free choice).

So.. so far we have a choice.
You can have a god that’s all knowing but we have no free will
You can have free will but god doesn't know everything.


  • QUESTION: Is god all loving?

Now from following the first problem we now have a few out comes and I'll talk about that in a second.

Firstly Evil…
We all know that evil exists.
Now my first question is why does it exist.

Surely “IF” god is all loving he wouldn't allow it to exist in the first place.
“IF” the reason we have evil is because we have free will and we chose to be evil then why create us with the ability to make evil choices in the first place.

God is the creator.
Not evil.
So he created us with evil inside us?

Why create something with evil if you’re not evil yourself?
Unless it was a mistake, but shouldn't he of known about the mistake and how evil will become so bad.
Remember he’s all knowing right…

So he knew that creating us with an option to be evil will eventually cause evil to grow.
But he’s all loving so why allow it to grow.

Surely “IF” he is really all loving he wouldn't have thrown us out of the garden and should have forgiven us because he knew that by placing that tree there we would eat the fruit.
Better yet, all you people that believe and worship him.. even the pope, why are you not thanked, why are you still surrounded by evil, shouldn't he remove you from this place and be loving and caring, why allow you to suffer. (Jesus suffered for your sins… so why do you still suffer?)

“IF” we have free will, and God tested and knew our outcome then he is evil by putting that fruit there and allowing us to eat it when he clearly didn't want us to.
He is then also evil for sending us to such a horrible place for doing something he know we would do anyway.

He even sent the evil snake into the garden to tempt them to eat the fruit.
(The evil that he must have created).
So knowing all of this and creating this evil, did he want Adam and Eve out of the garden?
He knew the snake would tempt them and he knew that with the fruit and snake they would end up kicked out.
He must have wanted to banish them, so much for all loving.


Some Christians say:
“God knows the laws of nature perfectly so he created us in a way that suits us perfectly.” Thus the reason we have flaws and evil and “aren't perfect”. We are like we are because he made us to fit in with the laws of nature…

Well that’s a fail.
I’m sorry but why give us these evil thoughts and imperfections to fit the laws of nature when he created nature in the first place.
Why not change nature so we didn't need these thoughts etc.

Even if god had created us to fit into this world with the laws of nature why did he then create us knowing that we couldn't (or even WOULDN'T) abide by all of his rules?
It’s simply IMPOSSIBLE to any human-being to be righteous, to follow ALL the rules and NEVER SIN, to be PERFECT.
Does that seem All-loving to you?

I could ramble on for more about how he isn't all powerful otherwise he would remove all evil from the world seeing as he’s all loving and because he hasn't removed all evil he is ether not all powerful, or he is not all loving.

Seriously the list goes on for ages and I can’t see how people can believe in this other than the fact that they don’t want to feel alone.

Then again you have friends and family, how can you feel alone. If you need there to be something else then why???

I know I might of upset some people but I really don’t understand why things are looked at in such a narrow minded vision.
Again I am not having ago at the believers and If anything I would like them to even post their views and discuss this.
Because in all honestly to me god just seems to unbelievable to be true based on the facts and notes that even the believers state to us all.

Now I posted the above on my facebook to see what the responses were and well these are some of them.

Everything I've ever thought about this, ever, summed up in one long essay thing.
One thing I'd like to point out-
"So he knows that if he places that tree with the fruit in that garden, then he knows that Eve “Will” eat it."
He also knows that if he sends his most loyal servant to the top of a mountain to sacrifice his son, they will unquestioningly follow it through. But he still did that anyway.
The reason people believe in God are-
- They don't like to believe that when they die, thats it.
- They cannot accept their lives are insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
- They lack direction in life.

Here is another valid point.. We all live out life differently. I for one may commit sin every now and again, but then honestly can you name some one that doesn't?
Now ok I admit i commit a few sins here and there but I dont worry about it as they are only small things, some are greater than others but at the end of the day they are all sins. But I dont let fear of these sins rule my life.
It seems that rather than him being all loving, you actually end up fearing him, you dont want to upset him or sin and are living your whole life in constant fear.. (Argument might be, I am not afraid as I know god loves me and as I follow him he will protect me from sin) my reply would be.. sure ok... so why is it that the only reason you dont sin is so that you can get into heaven and not hell.. surely he should be all loving and allow you to just live your life.. why so many rules god? God would just be one of those mothers that doesn't allow the child to go to party's and make friends.. "Sorry I dont want you doing that and if you do ill punish you.." sorry but I would rather life my life rather than have to miss out on so many things just because someone tells me its bad.

Well in my opinion gods just like a Chinese whisper, I doubt he created us of even exist but we all know that everything we assume we know isn't all true.... to be honest I could just imagine someone dying and their being a big fat slob eating doughnuts and going " oh im god, now can you please get me some more doughnuts, one more thing welcome to my heaven"

I think what your saying.. correct me if I'm wrong.. is that over the thousands of years, this story of a god has been changed from what it once was to what we "believe" today.
So for all we know god could of been some powerful king who had this book wrote about him... Like you say Chinese whispers. the story could of been about a king but over the years the story has bee told in so many different ways that we now say god.
This would explain why there are many bibles and how come they are similar but different. Its like this.. I tell you a joke with a punch line.. you tell your friend the same joke but one word is different. the joke keeps getting told until eventually its completely different.

It's a huge convoluted load of crap that over complicates things without any valid explanation or justification.
Stick to science, at least it can explain itself.

Alas stick to science but no Christmas presents of Easter eggs for you

What? Christmas and Easter isn't restricted to Christianity, ya know

I know I was just being a prick xD, but its what it represents thats all xD

I think the real question is "what tangible evidence is there that points towards an all- knowing, all loving, all-powerful god?"
Because, you see, there is a lot of evidence that points towards Big Bang, Abiogenesis, and the deterministic universe we live in.
Sadly, I have seen little to no strong and solid evidence to point towards the contrary (AKA Creationism), and therefore, logically, it is stupid to assume Creationism is the truth. Therefore, I MUST side with the other option.
It's that simple.

Hey GG, does this ring a bell?
"Let's take two opposing view points.
Man on the street: 'The world is going to end in 2012 by meteor!'
Prof. on astronomy: 'There is no reason to assume the world will be destroyed by a meteor in 2012'
Instantly I stop and look at both sides.
I ask the first man for evidence, he says: 'because the mayan calendar ends in 2012'
I reply, 'yes, but that is their belief, or rather, conclusion. It does not support your statement at all. Where are your reasons.'
He gets mad and says, 'oh, you're one of those people who need reasons and hard-evidence. You're just putting the blinders on.'
I get slightly offended and go to see the professor.
He tells me, 'there has been no sighting of any object large enough to wipe out the planet instantly on that specific date. Looking at the mass and speed required and the angle necessary, we have done long and arduous experiments - and we have thus found nothing. Therefore there is no reason to believe that a meteor, asteroid or otherwise will strike on that date. The methods we have used are far more advanced than the mayans and we can be quite assured that whatever they theorized is much more of a hypothesis if not simply a blind guess. You can see the results of our experiment here, and see the following people for confirmation and corroboration. While it is possible that a meteor will strike, it is much more likely to happen in the time before and the time after the assumed date. In fact, guessing the time and method of the Earth's demise is like guessing the exact location and time of the first raindrop in the sahara desert. Such an assumption has no scientific or mathematical significance, it is simply the interpretation of texts written long before the advancement of human skepticism and scientific method. It is therefore safe to assume that the earth will not be destroyed in 2012.'
Well who would you trust?
While religious it is nigh impossible to see just how ridiculous a religion is, but while religious it is still possible to observe the outstanding success of science - except when the point of discussion is science's obvious bias towards atheism, a bias that only theists are capable of noticing."

IF god is so powerful.
Can god create a problem he cant solve?
Can he make a boulder he cant lift?
Can he win at the game?
Can he make something new that he didn't know about?
Can God stop being God or stop existing?
Can he make another God? Can He give Godhood to a man, or angel?
Can god be evil?

There's just too many ambiguities and paradoxes where God is concerned.

Adam and Eve has a belly button in art work. Which means....God has a uterus of some sort?

Have you ever noticed that they also look exactly like us humans of todays world.. im sure that we didnt look like this thousands of years ago... we allready have proof that we have changed over the years.. so does this mean god is a ape?? i mean we "were" made in his image.. and we WERE apes at some point... or maybe he is a single cell... so why say that adem and eve were made in gods image and that they aparently look like what we do today.. if they want to tell the story right it should be more along the lines of... Adem and eve were bothe monkeis in the garden of eden, god told them to eat the fruit. problem is although they looked like him their pre-human brain didnt fully understand and their ape instints kicked in and the eat it because they were hungry and knew no better..
I like the idea if picturing adem and eve as apes looks better :P

And there is all sorts of art work of adam and eve....but they were apparently the first two humans so how did people ever paint them or even know they existed?!

Also.. we say they were called Adam and eve.. how do we know this.. im guessing that somehow they would of had to be able to speak in some way.. now are you seriously saying that two apes managed to come up with the first names Adan and eve, could say those names and passed their names on over the thousands of generations without it being said differently or forgotten V_V