Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Online Buying

Yeah thats the thoughts that ran through my head when I realised what the hell I had done.

Decided it would be a cool idea to buy a few things online...
Awesome, thought, however the thing I was after you could only get from a few sites.
These sites are hidden and hard to find due to the nature of what they sell.. (nothing rude or illegal)

So there I was looking really bloody hard to find a site that sold a real copy of this product that I was after when I stumbled upon one that looked fine.
I had been checking it against fake sites and testing every page to see if it was ok or not and it seemed fine.

Decided to put in a order for this product with them so I should get it rather soon.
I was going through the order process and it all seemed to be going fine.

Got to the final page where you click Pay now, clicked it, payment went through.. I had used pay pal too so I thought I had nothing to worry about.

A day or so later and I hadn't received my tracking number like I was told I should of.
Seemed odd, so I emailed them.
Needless to say there was no reply...

2 days passed with no reply so at this point I began to worry.
I decided to google the company only to find words like SCAM and FAKE all over the main search pages.


So what could I do.. It was my own fault, I shouldn't of rushed it and should of been more careful... but with this product being so rare it was looking so good.
I emailed them again, this time marking it as urgent and with the subject [Issue] with order.

Needless to say that after my polite email I wondered if I was just wasting my time.
Slightly worried by now that it was fake I decided to hunt again.

This time I took my time and found a site that was trusted and funny enough cheaper ¬_¬

I placed a order for the product as I was sure that I had been scammed on the other site.
I thought "Oh never mind its only £12 ish and I can contact PayPal and get it sorted if need be"

So everything seemed to be going fine other than my stupid move of buying the product on a dodgy site.

But then something amazing happened...
I got a email...
They had received my product..
I should receive a email with a tracking number shortly...

And before you knew it *BING* one tracking number email...

What a fucker..
Not only did I place another order on a trusted site but the dodgy site seems to be fine V_V

I now have two of the product on its way and yet I only need one..
Sods law I suppose.
I guess internet buying isn't always that easy.

P.S. (Still not 100% sure I will receive the product from the dodgy site though as they might of just sent a email to shut me up.... I'll just have to wait and see.)

UPDATE: I did in fact get the product and it was good.. but I now have 2 and I only needed 1 :')

Giving advice to people

Sometimes it seems like all your friends could use a helping hand with problems they face along their way.

Thing is it seems that no matter how right or wrong you may be they will always go with their opinion over yours.

It seems strange.
You have some people that have problems and don't ask for any help from people.
These people generally are grateful for any help that they do receive and would bend over backwards to help you even if you don't ask for help, and then you seem to have the stupid ones that ask for help but don't seem to want it in the first place.

Where is the logic in that?

For a start, it doesn't matter if the person giving help is right or wrong you should still allow them to have their say and use that information they give you to come out with a better solution and answer that the one you had without their input, and secondly, why bother asking for a opinion if you're not going to take it in and use it to better your outcome.

I now believe that 90% of people fail at solving problems because they don't seem to listen to the many sides of the dice, and would rather go with the first off guess they made whether right or wrong.

This has however helped me to realise that I should respect everyone's opinion and take heed in what they have to say as they may have a valid point.

All thoughts expressed here are just thoughts and not the actions of a mad man

Monday, 17 January 2011

That one someone..

Hello there my fellow blog readers.

Isn't it funny how someone has the power to make you feel over the moon and so good about yourself even when you're feeling at your lowest point, yet they also have the power to worry the crap out of you.

Lately things between me and my girl Chloe have been going great.
A few things suck, like the fact that I have to work night shifts and so I sleep during the day. It causes me to hardly see her and when I do see her I'm usually sleepy or rushing to get ready for work.
Then with my money issues being so bad lately I also haven't been able to treat her like I would like to, and yet she still puts up with me ^_^

Things between us mentally though are fantastic.
She really is one in "N".

Yeah that's right I said N... I was tempted to say 1 in a million, however just the thought of it being such a common phrase put me off saying (Typing) it.
My next thought was to say a much larger number to try and express how much she truly means to me.
Problem there is if I said "Shes 1 in a 10,000,000" I would be too tempted to add another 0 on the end to again try and show that she really means that much.
Eventually I would end up with a page covered in 0's.
So to simplify things I used the term N where you then insert the biggest number you can think of ^_^

Anyway... :P
Me and her have grown so close over the past few months that I couldn't ask for anything more.
Sure work gets to me and I get stressed about silly things, however when ever she turns up to see me everything vanishes from my mind and the only thing that does seem to exist inside it is "OMG shes here!... YAY!"

I have never met someone that has had this much of a positive effect on me before and its amazing..

However as you may remember... "someone has the power to make you feel over the moon and so good about yourself even when you're feeling at your lowest point, yet they also have the power to worry the crap out of you"

As much as I know its far from likely to happen, I worry more than anything else that I'll lose her.
Its daft I know. V_V

Problem is, it's one of those things where it seems too good to be true, and with my mind working the way it does I wonder if its all just a huge joke, maybe I'm on the truman show but I'm the main character, maybe one day she will realise I'm a complete loon and won't be able to stand me.

Either way it worries the crap out of me to a stupid extent.

I don't think its possible to ever lose this feeling for as long as you love someone this much.
For the rest of my relationship with her I will be over the moon that I'm with someone so amazing, but I would also be distraught if I was to ever lose her and so the thought will never leave me..

Kind of ironic to be fair.
But its comments like this from her that make that feeling slowly sink back to the depths of my mind again allowing me to realise that, for now at least there is no way I will lose her.

"I don't care how much you 'ramble', I don't care how much things are getting you down or how much you ever feel like just giving up, I won't let you & I'll always believe in you.
Know that, even if I can't stay the night or even see you in the day, you're always on my mind & always in my prayers.
I love you.

^_^ well I'll end this ramble for now.
Thanks again for reading.

Pre Warning Seems Only Fair...

Hello again everyone.

I stated that I would like to use this blog as a way for people to understand me better ,and I will most likely let it become the bridge from what you think im thinking, and what im actually thinking.
Feel free to use this bridge to cross over into the strange mind of Musical-Phoenix/Genuine Guardian, however I thought it only wise that I gave you all a word of warning first.

Many things that go through my head are so spontaneous and random that they have no meaning whatsoever. The only reason these pointless thoughts pass through my mind is so that I don't find myself sitting there not thinking about anything.

I like the term "I think therefore I am"... Its quite clever.
In my case, if I was to stop thinking about random things for even a minute or so and my mind was to become blank, I would feel uneasy at the fact that I currently have nothing in my mind.
However this then would make me chuckle as I realise that I have just thought about how odd it was that I had nothing in my mind and thus created a thought.
Therefore I exist.

Anyway... Getting back on topic.

Like I say many of my thoughts have no reason for being there they are just seem to exist to fill up my mind.
But I do however have many thoughts about the situations I'm in and the things I see.
These thoughts will most likely be expressed in my blog, and that's when it occurred to me.

What if people get offended by the thoughts in my head??!?

Well its safe to say a few people will most likely be offended, angry, worried or may even feel some form of hate towards one or more of my posts.
However I am going to make sure that every post I do from now onwards will warn you that you may not like what you read, however it is what's currently floating about in the vast emptiness of my mind, and that I can't help how I think.
It's just how I am.
Just as you all have many thoughts you know would upset others if they heard them, and so therefore keep them to yourself.

So to sum this post up...

You have been warned that you are about to enter my mind and anything you may feel while reading these posts are irrelevant.
I will still be the same person after you read a post however you will most likely see how I came to react to the situations like I have done ^_^

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Steam Offers

Steam Offers

Technical Sites

Technical Sites

Random Sites

Random Sites

Social sites

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