I believe in some huge way it was my own fault, but it still bugged the crap out of me.
You know when you have things playing on your mind and you cant shift it, you usually end up thinking about it for ages and even before you go to sleep. Well even though I have loads of things that are getting to me at the moment, I had the worst thing possible sitting in my head while I tried to sleep..
If any of you have watched my iPlay's you may know that I have played a game called SCP-087-b. In this game you walk down a hallway for ages.. and creepy stuff happens.
If you have or even haven't watched them, check out this video.
In the above video there is a part at 3:40-3:50 that was playing over and over in my mind.
Last night I went to bed.
I lay there in the dark comfortable and thinking "aahhh its so nice to lay down". Then however I realized that it was dark and quiet. Now normally this wouldn't bother me, last night however all I could think of was the black guy with the mask.
I lay there with my eyes closed, and all I could think of was "Jay if you open your eyes he will be there at the end of your bed in the door way looking at you"... "Honestly Jay he's there"..
This was followed by "Don't be stupid he's not real.. its just not possible.. If I open my eyes I guarantee he won't be there.. its just not possible"
So in order to try and stop these stupid thoughts and prove myself right I opened my eyes and looked all around my room only to see that he wasn't there, just as I knew it would be.
So I closed my eyes again and tried to go back to sleep.
However then it happened again.. "Jay if you open your eyes he will be there at the end of your bed in the door way looking at you"... "Honestly Jay he's there".. followed by "Don't be stupid he's not real.. its just not possible.. If I open my eyes I guarantee he won't be there.. its just not possible"
So yet again I open my eyes to prove yet again that he isn't there..
This happened for about a hour..
Even though I knew full well that it isn't possible and that I was just being stupid I couldn't help but have this feeling that he was there and then that I had o prove that he wasn't.
I finally fell asleep after a long ass time of trying to prove he wasn't there only to fall asleep thinking of SCP's..
I can't remember all of my dream, but I remember that he was in it at some point, I also had a dream part where all photos would have red eyes that glowed, they would follow me around a room and get closer and closer.. and then I had a dream about the bed monster...http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-072
For some quick info here is a snippit of the SCP..
"Instances of SCP-072 have only been observed to manifest when a human (hereafter referred to as “the subject”) enters REM sleep while located in a bed ‘infected’ by SCP-072 and leaves a foot or feet exposed to open air. If these conditions are satisfied, SCP-072 will emerge from the foot of the bed and appear to use its pointer finger to ‘tap’ on the subject’s foot until they awaken. Subjects have reported that, at this point, they were unable to move, showing symptoms similar to sleep paralysis. This continues as long as SCP-072 is visible.
SCP-072 will then use its pointed fingers to cut portions of flesh from the exposed parts of the subject's foot or feet. It will return to within the bed in between each removal, emerging without the collected material. This will continue until SCP-072 has taken all of the exposed foot or feet, stopping at the ankle. Though subjects exposed to SCP-072 report this process to be immensely painful, its paralytic effects render them unable to scream or call for help. It is unknown if manifestations of SCP-072 feed on the collected material or use them for some other purpose. As long as the wounds are properly treated, SCP-072’s effects are not fatal, but have been observed to cause psychological damage relating to sleep in the future."
So I was having this dream where I was in my own bed and couldn't move with this "thing" at the bottom of my bed. I however knew I was dreaming and was trying to wake up just incase.. (don't ask why, I have no idea)
I thrashed about in my dream but wasn't moving... I could feel the thrashing about to try and run, or wake up.. but in my dream I was laying still.. It was such a strange feeling.. to be moving every part of your body and feel it but also to still be laying perfectly still.
Then without warning I woke up and realized I was in actual fact thrashing about in my actual bed.
I was covered in sweat, heart racing and I couldn't.. no I didn't want to sleep..
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