Well I spent all of last night trying to save what I have left of me and Chloe..
I'm hoping like mad that it works, but I guess only time will tell.
There has been a lot of stuff that has been getting to me and causing me to break down to the point of wishing I wasn't here anymore. (If you wish you can read them in some of my other posts). Today however is hopefully the first day of change.
I'm one of these people where I look at a problem and say "you caused it you can solve it." I don't like it when other people have to get involved as it makes me feel like I can't do the things I should be able to do. I also don't really like the idea of taking pills for something mentally related, such as depression. I feel like its just your mind making you be that way and that as long as you try hard enough you can change the way you think and get rid of the depression. I always thought that pills were the fake and placebo answer to problems. Well I guess I'll soon find out
I went to go see the Dr's today, I phoned up yesterday and booked in for a appointment with any Dr that would listen. I must have been in that room with them for a hour and a half talking about everything I could possibly think of.
There were two Dr's in the room. One was the main Dr that I was supposed to see and one was a very much older man who had a different air about him. We talked about things that have been getting me down, and all the things I feel. I told them everything from being depressed to the fact that I get paranoid at everything, like people whispering and laughing at me when I'm out of ear shot.
After the hour and a half they told me that it would be a wise idea to take a week off of work in order to get a few things settled and to let myself calm down. I was also to come back in a week to see them again where they would arrange for me to see a counselor, a psychiatrist and then they would also look at getting me medication but what medication I shall need they are not sure of just yet.
I'm hoping that things do get better. As much as I don't want to resort to medication, it might be my only shot at keeping me and Chloe going. So in that case I'm prepared to give anything a shot.
Things need to change.
Fingers crossed hey...
About Me

- GenuineGuardian
- My mind truly is going to waste. If you have ever read any of my posts then you will see that my mind is able to think of so many great things. The only problem Is that being placed in the real world..I have no way of pointing this out to anyone and making use of my talent. Shame really.
3 people died today. And one of those people was me. This morning I was having problems sleeping, mainly because my mind was still acti...
Sleeping last night was impossible. I believe in some huge way it was my own fault, but it still bugged the crap out of me. You know w...
Well I finally have everything in my mind under control. No more doing stupid things just because it seems the right thing to do. ...
My mind likes to think about all sorts of things. It mainly likes to think of things that aren't facts so that my mind can wan...
This is my first post and so it seemed fitting to be a introduction as to why I would want to blog in the first place. This blog is an ...
Today I saw a post online that really made me laugh. The post was this.. 13 Simple Steps To Get You Through A Rough Day If you are hav...
Today I had a epiphany.. You see, for such a long time I have never really understood why people are religious. The hole belief in god and...
Well its almost Thursday, the day I am supposed to see someone and let it all out in order for them to help me. Problem is that my ...
Some people just don't seem to think about their actions. That or they do but they don't seem to understand that it has an impac...
Blog Archive
- Lets sleep better tonight...
- Dr, Dr, it seems I'm going crazy....
- Where things stand and why....
- Current life in a blog-shell....
- Who is Maddox....?
- 13 Simple Steps To... What a pile of crap
- So much has happened over time...
- Gotye Someone that I used to know
- Nintendo game idea dream.
- Chloe...
- Very harsh and blunt post.. I warn you.. I'm close...
- Watch my mind in action
- Selfishness anyone?
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