You know how they say that we all have a good and bad side to us and they also say something along the lines of a good angel on one shoulder and a bad devil on the other.
Well today was one of those days where I put my theory to the test..
However with all the stuff that's been going bad lately I thought I better test to see how pure my angel actually is.
I got hold of my angel and gave him everything he would ever need to battle like a black devil in a given situation.
I then did nothing..
I allowed my Angel full reign and the ability to make its own choices.
Now the angel should do what he always does and show me that everything he stands for and tells me is truthful and that even he himself would do the same thing that he tells me I should do.
Now because I have equipped him with everything he would ever need to become black it would then be down to him to make his choice and he can make ether choice.
You see usually my angel would tell me that what the black devil inside of me wants me to do is a stupid thing and that there are all these valid reasons for not doing it. However I also know that when put in that situation that the black devils opinion on things sounds more fun and a lot more tempting.
So here I stand with a slight predicament:
White angel can choose to stay a white angel and live by its words of wisdom and I have two opinions:
1. Thank god my white angel is actually a white angel and not a tainted gray one, at least I know I can trust it to tell me and do the right thing.
2. I would be slightly disappointed that it didn't take the opportunity to enjoy its self and be slightly black.
Personally though, although "I would want the 2nd opinion".. I know the 1st opinion is the right one to have, given that situation, and so that is what I shall think IF the angel does stay white.
White angel can choose to become a black devil and ignore its own words of wisdom and I would also have two opinions:
1. I am disappointed that the Angel I thought was pure white and helping me by telling me what it true and right, has then gone against its own words of advice and become a hypocrite and become blackened.
2. I am glad that my white angel is still able to listen to my bark side once and again and is able to enjoy itself.
Again I personally think that although "I would want the 2nd opinion".. I know the 1st opinion is the right one to have, given that situation, and so that is what I shall think IF the angel does stray slightly dark and against its own words of advice.
Only thing to do now is set my angel free and see what happens.....
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